Universal Periodic Review of New Zealand

Universal Periodic Review of New Zealand
21 January 2019
Intervention by Estonia

Estonia warmly welcomes the delegation of New Zealand to its third UPR.

Estonia notes positively steps taken to ensure implementation of recommendations since the previous UPR, in particular through the launch of the interactive online tool, which has increased transparency of that process.

We also recognize the efforts of the government of New Zealand over the past 4 years to increase protection and promote the rights of children, including establishing a new stand-alone Government department– Ministry for Children.

We welcome the reform on domestic violence legislation as well as number of other initiatives to ensure the full realization of all human rights by women and girls and would recommend continuing to combat sexual and gender based violence especially among ethnic minorities and domestic violence against women and children.

Finally, we would like to note positively New Zealand`s commitment to upholding the rights affirmed by the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and recommend to continue enhancing the relationship and cooperation between the government and the indigenous peoples (Government-Māori relationship).

We wish the delegation of New Zealand a successful review meeting.

Thank you!