Eesti sõnavõtt 16. jalaväe keelustamise konventsiooni osalisriikide kohtumisel Viinis

16th Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine BanConvention

Statement by ESTONIA

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Viin, 18-21 detsember 2017

Mr President (H.E. Thomas Hajnoczi, Ambassador ofAustria to the UN in Geneva),

Estonia aligns itself with the statement delivered bythe European Union, but allow me to add a few remarks to express our support forthis important Convention.

The Ottawa Convention is one of the success stories ofmultilateral disarmament diplomacy. In addition to the overall good levelof compliance by States Parties in its key aspects, this convention has broughtclear results on the ground,through mine clearance, victim assistance, stockpile destruction, and as apeace-building instrument. Estoniashares its objectives and its aspiration to achieve an anti-personnel mine freeworld without new victims by 2025. We support strengthening the effectiveness of this convention, its universalisation and the implementation ofthe Maputo Action Plan.

We recognise, that although the Ottawa Conventionbecame an international norm quickly after its entry into force, financing itsimplementation has been a challenge over the past years. It is regrettable thatthe serious financial situationof the Convention has led to the shortening of the Meeting of States Partiesfor two consecutive years. We urge all Statesto comply with their financial obligations on time and pay all outstanding arrears.

Mr President,

Estonia is a firm supporter of humanitariandemining activities and mineaction and has been regularly contributing to demining efforts for more than 10years. Humanitarian demining is oneof the priority areas in our Government’s strategy for Estonia’s developmentcooperation and humanitarian assistance for years 2016-2020. In recent years, we haveincreased our contributions, including financial support to the United NationsMine Action Service (UNMAS), aswell as to clean-up of various explosive remnants of war and mine-clearance activitiesunder several bilateral and international humanitarian projects. In thebeginning of this year the Estonian government redoubled its annualcontribution to UNMAS mine action activities in Iraq (40 000 USD).Estonia has previously supported mine action in Mali, Gaza, Libya, Lebanon andAfghanistan. Moreover, in 2017 the MFAEstonia financed a development cooperation project for developing ahumanitarian demining training system in Ukraine.

Since 2006, we have also regularly supported andgradually increased our contributions to the Ottawa Implementation Support Unit(ISU) in achieving its mandate-based targets. Estonia stands ready to lookfurther into financing mechanisms of the ISU when the States Parties are readyto do so.

On a different matter. We recognisefully the difficult challenges Ukraine faces with regard to Article 5obligations as result of Russian aggression and ongoing military conflict inthe area. Recalling, that the 15th Meeting of States Partiesexpressed concern about this situation, we invite Ukraine to submit the requestfor extension of Article 5 at the earliest opportunity. We reaffirm ourunwavering support for Ukraine’s unity, sovereignty, independence andterritorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders. 

Mr President,

At this 20th anniversary year of thesignature of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, let me conclude by commending you, Mr President, for Austria’s activePresidency of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention and express mygratitude to you as well as to the Implementation Support Unit for all the goodwork done to ensure a successful meeting. You have my delegation’s fullsupport.

Thank you!