WHO Euroopa regionaalkomitee67. sessioon
NB8 Statement
Agenda item5(h)(i): Implementation of the European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Useof Alcohol 2012–2020 (resolution EUR/RC61/R4)
Budapest, 14 september 2017
Madame chair,
This time we do not speak on behalf of the EU. I am speaking on behalf of the Nordic and Balticcountries [Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway andSweden] and Slovenia align themselves with this statement.
Since the adoption of the WHO global strategy toreduce harmful use of alcohol and the European action plan for itsimplementation, total alcohol consumption in the region has decreasedcontinuously, or remained stable. Nevertheless, Europe is still the region withthe highest consumption in the world, which contributes significantly to themortality from NCDs.
Our results so far confirm that evidence-based,sustainable and systematic policy approaches work. It is a message we need tocontinue communicating, because as consumption falls, the more difficult it isto advocate for these systematic measures.
Globalisation is another tendency we cannot overlook.Countries are today realising the impact of a borderless world, which affectthe preventive measures concerning alcohol-related harm. National measuresadopted can be diluted by cross-border shopping. To address this and otherimportant cross-border issues, including labelling and marketing in new media,a discussion among the EU countries on alcohol policy and possible future stepswill take place during the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnion.
Addressing cross-border purchases, marketing andlabelling is relevant for all European Region’s Member States. Legalrestrictions on advertising exist in 49 Member States. Yet, the attempts tocurb young people’s exposure to alcohol advertising are challenged by marketingin new media. An additional challenge is that different requirements concerninge.g. labelling in different countries collide with principles and regulationsto ensure free trade.
We need continued cooperation and coordination toovercome these challenges. The case of tobacco demonstrates that similarresults are potentially achievable as regards alcohol. Therefore, we encourageall member states of the WHO European Region to continue their work to tacklethe harmful use of alcohol with the support of the Regional Office.
We would like to express our special thanks to DrGauden Galea and his team for the work in compiling an excellent document –“Alcohol labelling – A discussion document on policy options” in a very limitedtimeframe. It provides an evidence based framework for all member states torelay on in addressing harmful use of alcohol.
Finally, although the modelling by the Regional Officeshows that all countries in our region will achieve the 30 percent reduction ofmortality in NCDs by 2020, we can do better. Putting in place sustainablealcohol policy measures has the potential to help us in achieving that.