Eesti sõnavõtt esimesel formaalsel kohtumisel 32. rahvusvahelisel Punase Risti ja Punase Poolkuu konverentsil vastuvõetud Resolutsioon 1 rakendamiseks

Eesti sõnavõtt edasise töökäigu arutelul

Genf, 7 aprill 2017

Estonia would like to add its voice to support the proposed work plan. Estonia also agrees with previous statements emphasising the importance of establishing pragmatic, achievable and implementable outcomes of the work plan items.

We would like to echo that it would be important to continue with substantive discussion as soon as possible and hope agreement can be reached on the working plan and modalities as soon as possible.

Estonia thinks that the work plan should allow discussing all 4 topics, as outline in Resolution 1. The plan should nonetheless remain flexible.

As the work plan is provisional and flexible and in order to use the remaining time until the next international conference in the most effective way, we believe that an agreement is desirable to reflect in the work plan all the topics to be discussed until the next international conference.