Inimõiguste Nõukogu 35. sessioon
Intervention by ESTONIA
Items 2 and 3 – General Debate
Genf, 12 juuni 2017
Mr President,
Estonia takes this opportunity to raise some issues addressedin the report of the High Commissioner on the promotion, protection andenjoyment of human rights on the Internet: ways to bridge the gender digitaldivide from a human rights perspective.
Of the 7.5 billion people in the world, men make upabout 18% and women 16% of all the persons online. In keeping with the 2030Agenda, this means that these 200 million fewer women have been „left behind“.
This gender digital divide, addressed in the HighCommissioner’s report to this Council, has negative societal and economicconsequences, including on the women’s enjoyment of their human rights. In thesame way, when reversed, unhindered and promoted access to Internet benefitsnot only women, but also their communities and the economy.
The gender digital divide is both a consequence andcause of violations of women’s human rights. Recent data reveals that thedigital gender divide is increasing, and, unfortunately, there are no quick fixes. Estonia agrees withthe report that all policies to improve Internet access need to becomprehensive and gender responsive, addressing the underlying causes of genderinequality.
Women’s access to education remains a strong factor inInternet use. Urban poor women with at least some secondary education are sixtimes more likely to be online than urban poor women with lower levels of education.Thisis why locally and internationally, Estonia strives towards a collaborativeeffort, working withgovernments, the private sector, and civil society to promote the digital literacyof women and girls.
Finally, we would like to emphasise that it is notonly important to have access to and use of anykind of internet. Internet must beopen, global, and accessible. Human rights-based approach needs to underpin theprovision and expansion of access to the Internet for all, so that no one wouldbe left behind.
Thank you.