Inimõiguste Nõukogu 35. sessioon
Intervention by ESTONIA
Item 3 – Clustered ID with SR on peaceful assembly and association and SRon the right to education
Genf, 6 juuni 2017
Mr President,
Estonia alignsitself with the European Union statement.
Estonia wouldlike to thank the Special Rapporteur on the freedom of assembly andassociation, Ms Annalisa Ciampi, for her presentation, and the previous SpecialRapporteur, Mr Maina Kiai, for his work on fulfilling the mandate, includingthe latest report with an important focus on the ways in which civil societiesimprove all of our societies. We regret to note, along with the SpecialRapporteur, the trend of narrowing space for civil society, including in thedigital domain. We would like to ask the Special Rapporteur, what can theinternational community do to better ensure unimpeded access to and use ofinformation and communication to guarantee the free functioning of the civilsociety?
As theSustainable Development Agenda 2030 requires Members States under Goal 4 toensure inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelonglearning opportunities for all, we appreciate the Special Rapporteur on theright to education, Dr. Boly Barry, raising also the important issue of the role ofnon-formal education. Non-formal education can be an important tool to providethe right to education for children, adolescents and adults – especiallypersons with disabilities, women and girls, and persons in vulnerablesituations –, who are unable to access formal education systems. We believethat information and communication technologies can have a profound impact tobring about innovation in the formal and non-formal learning settings. In yourreport, you recommend Member States to integrate all aspects of lifelonglearning into a single system – what measures should States adopt to foster thecreation of a single system that would allow learners to move between formaland informal programmes?
Thank you.