Third Formal Meeting ofIntergovernmental Process on Strengthening Respect for InternationalHumanitarian Law (IHL)
Intervention by ESTONIA
Ways toenhance the implementation of IHL using the potential of the InternationalConference and IHL regional forums
Genf,6 detsember 2017
Mr Chair,
Ourdelegation very much appreciates the co-facilitators efforts in drawing up thework plan and focusing on a good outcome, in accordance wih the objectivesstipulated in resolution 2 and in accordance with the meetings that have takenplace in 2017 and 2016. We also value in the sincere constructiveness of allthe delegations present.
Estoniawould like to thank the facilitators for the work plan and we could have beenflexible to go with the proposed version. We agree, that agreeing on a workplan for 2018 and 2019 would contribute to saving valuable time on proceduralissues, but are also flexible to accommodate the wishes of some delegations whoinsist on agreeing on actions for 2018 only.
Estoniaechos what some previous delegations have said – no consensus has yet beenreached! – many ideas and food for thought for the upcoming meetings.
Wesupport the proposal to add to the Background Document the legalevaluation/elements of how the existing mechanisms can realistically be usedand what the constraints and limitations are. This would be helpful, allowingus to be better prepared, better informed and constructive, so that we can wecome together next year and talk about converging elements.