Eesti soovitused Tšehhile kolmandas UPR tsüklis

Universal Periodic Review of the Czech Republic

6 november 2017
Intervention by the delegation of Estonia

Estonia warmly welcomes the delegation of the CzechRepublic to its third UPR.

We note with appreciation that the Government of theCzech Republic has submitted to its Parliament a proposal for the ratificationof the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities, also in line with our recommendation in the previous UPR cycle.

We further welcome the efforts of the Czech Republicto achieve gender equality, especially the implementation of the Government’sStrategy for Equality Between Women and Men for 2014 – 2020 and the Action Planfor Balanced Representation of Women and Men in Decision-making Positions for2016 – 2018. We encourage the Government to continue this important work toachieve a balanced representation of women and men in Government anddecision-making positions, equality between women and men in the labour market andin business, and promote better work-life balance.

Furthermore, we encourage the Czech Republic to continueits efforts to fight violence against women and domestic violence, especiallyagainst women and children, in line with the Action Plan for the Prevention ofDomestic and Gender-motivated Violence (2015-2018).

Finally, we would like to recommend to the Governmentof the Czech Republic to:

1) swiftly ratify the Optional Protocol to the UnitedNations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (OP-CRPD) in linewith the National Action Plan to Promote Equal Opportunities for the Personswith Disabilities (2015 – 2020);

2) accelerate the process of ratification of theCouncil of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Womenand Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).

We wish the Czech Republic every success in theimplementation of these measures.

Thank you.