Eesti sõnavõtt neljandal erakorralisel WHO täitevkogul 13. üld-tööprogrammi mustandi teemal, 3.4 punkti juures

Neljas erakorraline WHOtäitevkogu 13. üld-tööprogrammi mustandi teemal

Intervention by ESTONIA

Agenda item 3.4: Organizationalshifts

Genf,24 November 2017


Estoniawould like to welcome the Organizational Shifts proposed; they are bothnecessary and welcome. The document gives an overview of shifts in WHO’s workand interactions with member states, but we would like to see clearerobjectives for the slowest part of WHO reform – the governance reform.

Whilethis is in the hands of the Member States, active engagement from theSecretariat can help move this process along. The consultation process on theRules of Procedure of the governing bodies was a welcome step in this direction;we look forward to taking this process further.

Wewould like to see WHO as a state of the art organization ready to tackle thechallenges of the 21st century – this includes prompt electroniccommunication with Member States and electronic voting. As we always seem to beshort on time, these measures would help us use our limited resources on thesubstance of our work here.

Forbest practices on both these topics, a lot could be learned from the RegionalOffice for Europe, where we have worked on these issues for the past years andmade significant progress.

WHOcannot accomplish the ambitious targets of General Programme of Work withoutpartners from all sectors. To that end we echo what was said by Slovenia   aboutthe importance of better engaging with NGOs, who, after all, provide valuablefeedback through their firsthand experience from the people benefiting fromWHO’s work.

Thereis definitely room for improvement in how WHO consults and works with partnerson various issues, and we see the need for more consistency, transparency andsustainability in all consultative processes to ensure meaningful gathering ofinput.
