Eesti sõnavõtt Inimõiguste Nõukogu 35. sessioonil, 3. punkti juures

Inimõiguste Nõukogu 35. sessioon

Intervention by ESTONIA

Item 3 – Clustered ID with IE on protection against violence anddiscrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

Genf, 6 juuni 2017

Mr. President

Estonia fully aligns itself with the statement (to be)made by the European Union. We appreciate the possibility to interact with you,Mr. Muntarbhorn, the first Independent Expert, on the protection againstviolence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, amandate that is a reminder of the fact, that the existing human rights lawincludes the duty to promote and protect the human rights and fundamentalfreedoms of all persons also regardless of their sexual orientation or genderidentity.

Estonia remains concerned about the discrimination,stigmatization and violence against LGBTI persons because of their actual orperceived sexual orientation or gender identity, and the prevailing impunityfor those acts. Recent concern to us have been the allegation about thediscrimination, arbitrary detention, torture and killings of members of the LGBTIcommunity in Chechnya. To raise awareness of the LGBTI community human rightsand discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, Estoniawill be hosting this year in July the Baltic Pride event.

In Estonia, the prohibition of any kind ofdiscrimination on any grounds, also on the grounds of sexual orientation andgender identity, starts at the Constitutional level and is further elaboratedin several laws. Legal framework on its own is however not enough to buildmutual respect, tolerance and understanding. We therefore welcome your reportthat shows your clear vision of the complementary steps that need to be takenin order to fight against violence and discrimination based on sexualorientation and gender identity. Thus, we call upon all States to fullycooperate with the Independent Expert, including providing all informationrequested and responding favourably to request for country visits, allowing themandate holder to fulfil his mandate.

Mr. Muntarbhorn, in your report, you assess that theissue of online hate speech relating to sexual orientation and gender identityhas today an exponential reach that spills over also into the future – whatsolutions do you see for this?

We wish the Independent Expert success in fulfillinghis mandate.

Thank you.